Skincare expert shares seasonal skincare tips for healthy winter skin
Editorial Feature

Winter is coming – but should we adapt our skincare for the changing season? Skincare expert, Victoria Hiscock, shares her top winter skincare tips with Checklist.
It’s not a myth that the skin is different as the weather changes, confirms Victoria, medical communications manager for AlumierMD. She says: “It’s all due to the amount of moisture that’s in the air. In the summer, heat from the heighted UVB rays in the atmosphere evaporates moisture from the lush greenery and the air is filled with water. This means our skin has constant contact with moisture, and humectants like hyaluronic acid, that draw moisture towards the skin, have plenty to work with.
“When winter comes, the UVB rays more or less go. Less heat and no greenery means less water in the air. Our skin doesn’t have contact with moisture and humectants have less to work with. We whack the heating up in our homes, and water starts evaporating from our skin. This is known as trans epidermal water loss (TEWL) and can lead to dehydration. Dehydration can lead to lines and dull skin. Furthermore, as hydration is an important part of our skin’s barrier, dehydration can lead to sensitivity too.”
Victoria suggests there are changes we can make to our skincare regimes to help our skin adapt to the cold months ahead. She says: “There isn’t a one size fits all change that we should all make for winter. That’s like saying everyone has to get a haircut on December 1st. Having said that, most people will notice the impact of cold days on their skin and be familiar with a drier, dehydrated and slightly sensitised winter complexion.”
Victoria’s top five winter skincare tips:
1. Protect the skin’s barrier
Protect the skin’s barrier and delicate eco-system/microbiome with antioxidants and most importantly, sunscreen. Winter UVA rays are a threat to the skin so it’s essential 365 days a year.
2. Hydrate
Up the amount of hydrating ingredients in your skincare to counterbalance the lack of humidity. This can be done by adapting your existing skincare routine or adding a hydrating mask like the AlumierMD’s Aqua Infusion Mask to what you’re already using.
3. Moisturise
Use a more nourishing moisturiser if needed. Microbiome friendly AlumierMD’s HydraRich is a great step up whether you want to address the signs of ageing or sensitivity.
4. Exfoliate
Make the most of the cooler days with chemical exfoliants like AHAs found in AlumierMD’s Enzymatic Peel which can soften and smooth the skin.
5. Switch up your routine
Change up your morning and evening routines. In the morning we need to armour our skin for the day ahead. It’s a tough world out there and our skin is up against it all. We need antioxidants to defend against free radicals and pollutants, as well as sunscreen to protect against damaging winter UVA rays. At night, for most of us, our skin is safely tucked up in bed away from outside environments. This is when the skin does most of its rejuvenation, so we want to support it as much as possible. It’s vital that we all cleanse at night, whether you wear make-up or not. As we go about our day, we collect all sorts of pollutants and microorganisms. You can think of it like you’re taking the day off your face. Exfoliating and using retinol are recommended at night, so you don’t use them before going out in the sun. Furthermore, your body can use the retinol to enhance its overnight rejuvenation.

Victoria’s lifestyle tips:
Skincare sorted, there are also a few helpful lifestyle changes you can make this winter to keep your skin in tip-top shape.
“Drinking enough water will have the biggest impact on your skin”, explains Victoria. “It will aid skin hydration and boost the body’s built in detox system. You can get your water in-take from herbal tea in the winter if cold water is too chilling.”
“Keep the temperature indoors warm, but not hot. This will help prevent TEWL and keep the skin hydrated. And sleep! Maximise the rejuvenation time by getting enough shut eye.”
AlumierMD products can only be purchased following a skincare consultation with one of the brand’s licenced professionals; this protocol reflects not only the power and potency of the products, but also ensures that hyper-customised regimes are developed and swift, long-lasting results are achieved, in line with your skin concerns and aesthetic aspirations.
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