Premium, fine dining cuisine delivered to your home

supplier to the stars, Subrosa Foods specialises in quality frozen products, such as meat, fish and poultry which you will find in most fine dining establishments. All Subrosa Foods products are quick frozen and portion controlled for individual servings, carefully selected for guarenteed taste and quality.
The team caters for individuals, families and large businesses including restaurants and events. Clientele ranges from everyday workers to celebrities, with deliveries going from the south coast of England to the Midlands.
Subrosa Foods’ owner Angelo Sciberras (pictured left) has been taking full precautions during the coronavirus pandemic by using gloves, masks and alcohol gel while making deliveries. He ensures that his team does not have any contact with clients and that food is delivered safely and efficiently.
For those looking for a new opportunity, Angelo and his team are currently looking for individuals to franchise the company which could potentially earn up to £80,000 per year. If you love good quality food and are business-minded please get in touch using the details below.