Health is at the forefront of everyone’s mind just now – here’s how you can feel great on the inside and out
Your body is precious and it pays to look after yourself. Here are a variety of ideas to be – and stay – healthy
Live-in care – a great alternative to a care home

RATED ‘OUTSTANDING’ by the Care Quality Commission and with over 20 years’ experience, Trinity Homecare provides peace of mind to you and your loved ones with a service that is tailored to you.

Dennis and Pat, aged 91 and 89-years-old, continue to enjoy life in their own home with full-time live-in care, after Dennis was diagnosed with cancer and Pat was suff ering from impaired speech and mobility due to a second stroke. Pat couldn’t manage on her own while her husband was in hospital and a care home would have been too disruptive for her. Inside their home are many warm memories and familiarities. Staying home meant the couple were even able to celebrate their 70th wedding anniversary.
Their story is a heart-warming reminder of how vulnerable adults can happily continue to live in their own homes, remaining independent with the right care and support.
Trinity’s live-in care service is a safe and cost- effective alternative to a care home that provides a fully trained carer living with you in your own place, to meet all your needs. This includes help with washing, dressing, medication, food, domestic tasks and pet care. Most importantly, a live-in carer provides physical and emotional support, in familiar surroundings, whilst continuing with hobbies and social events you usually enjoy.
For more information: Click here
Has 2020 ruined your sleep cycle? Here’s an all-natural solution

ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A CBD BRAND that you can trust? The Herbalist Bros® are the UK’s answer to premium lab tested CBD. The Herbalist Bros®, born out of love and compassion after the owner’s mother’s battle with breast cancer, strive to provide the UK with premium CBD directly from the USA.
When it comes to innovation The Herbalist Bros® ensure to bring you the highest quality and newest products that the USA has to offer. Take the new REM Series by Relive Everyday as an example. A brand new and exclusive UK launch of CBD tinctures formulated to work naturally with your body to promote a healthy sleep cycle.
It’s no secret that sleep is the most important part of your body recovery process, let The Herbalist Bros® help you enter the fourth stage of sleep, The REM Cycle. The REM Cycle is not only vital in recovering from the day’s stresses, but also obtaining that physical, well-rested feeling.
Available in three different flavours, each tincture contains the coveted CBD Rich Hemp broad spectrum extract blend and is infused with botanical terpenes derived from lavender, chamomile, lemongrass, orange, and pine to promote a sense of calm. And with full-size bottles and a 30-night tester pack – your options are endless!
For more information: Click here
Are you getting enough sleep?

SOUNDBLOC EARPLUGS are a UK based company on a mission to promote wellbeing and raise awareness of the importance of sleep. With over 10 years’ experience, they endeavour to innovate products of the highest quality for customers.
Discover a simple solution to reduce the noise from snoring partners, loud neighbours or busy traffic. These earplugs will reduce noise by 27dB, allowing for quality sleep, leaving you to feel refreshed and rejuvenated.
The importance of sleep
- Performance: Your mind will be alert, increasing concentration and reactions
- Productivity: You will have more physical energy and improve cognitive functions
- Immune system: Sleep gives you the time it needs to fully rest and repair
- Diet: Encourages better appetite for healthier food consumption
- Wellbeing: Lowers the risk of mental health issues.
For more information: Click here
Phits 3D Printed Insoles – step into the future!

FOOT, KNEE, HIP AND BACK PAIN is commonly a result of poor biomechanics, often stemming from the feet. A popular intervention to help correct these issues and alleviate pain are bespoke foot orthotics (insoles). Traditionally, these have been prescribed by a medical professional using an impression box or plaster cast to provide the static foot shape, along with their visual opinion of an individual’s gait. But times are changing…
Gait and Motion Clinics is the UK’s largest network of private healthcare practices which offer dynamic foot scan technology and Phits 3D Printed Insoles. From park to podium, these specialist clinics can help reduce injury risk, aid rehabilitation and improve performance.
Phits has revolutionised the prescription of insoles by considering
a measurement that is often overlooked; human movement. As part of the assessment process, you will complete a gait analysis using footscan technology. This monitors the mechanics of your feet to identify any asymmetries or abnormalities, providing detailed information that cannot be seen by eye or on a treadmill.
The footscan technology translates this dynamic data into the Phits Insole design, complementing the knowledge of a medical professional.
Marathon World Record Breaker Paula Radcliff e explains: “Without the support of Phits Insoles, it would have been impossible to recover after my surgery and most likely I wouldn’t have been able to continue my running career.”
Lily Partridge visited a clinic prior to becoming British Champion at the 2020 London Half Marathon back in March, since stating: “Phits Insoles are amazing, I couldn’t imagine not having them in my shoes and defi nitely feel that I am running much more balanced!”
Gait and Motion Clinics has over 150 specialist practices across the UK and Ireland, having successfully helped thousands of the population
to stay pain-free.
For more information: Click here
It’s a stitch up! Quirky animal cushions made by you

CREATED IN THE PICTURESQUE VILLAGE OF FURNEUX Pelham in Hertfordshire where Catriona grew up, Designer Diana Fernsby has made Catriona Hall’s quirky pictures into a range of tapestries suited to cushions.
In all the charity art exhibitions that Diana organised over 20 years, the works that always sold were the quirky and amusing animal and bird paintings of Catriona Hall.
As a stitcher of some experience, Diana had always longed to make tapestries from Catriona’s paintings. In 2011 she finally got around to it.
Kits for each design consists of:
- The printed canvas
- The correct quantity of Appleton tapestry wools
- A photograph of the original painting
- Easy to follow instructions
- A needle
- A helpline
- Background colours.
Alternative background wools can be supplied to suit your colour scheme. This can be arranged if you send a suitable sample of the colour you require.
For more information: Click here
The hot tip for combating cold sores – HERPOtherm®

DISCOVER A DISCREET, easy-to-use alternative to creams and patches.
Cold sores are not only unattractive but can also be very painful. The accompanying symptoms such as burning, tingling, itching or tightness can be relieved with Herpotherm® from the very first application.
The concentrated heat therapy with HERPOtherm® is an alternative to creams and patches used conventionally in the treatment of cold sores. The purely physical mechanism of action works without any chemicals.
HERPOtherm® can prevent the development of cold sore blisters if applied early enough.*
Suitable for pregnant women, allergy sufferers and children (self-use from 12 years of age).
For more information: Click here
A natural, long-term remedy for urinary tract infections

DO YOU SUFFER FROM cystitis or UTIs and find the symptoms keep coming back, even after taking antibiotics?
The bacteria causing the bladder infections become resistant to antibiotics and infections can become chronic.
Professor Dame Sally Davies, England’s former Chief Medical Officer warns: “The overuse of antibiotics is leading us down a path to disaster.”

URALIX is a herbal complex for help with symptoms and long term prevention of UTIs in women and men. With natural antibacterial and anti-inflammatory activity, it protects the bladder and maintains urinary health.
Its powerful natural extracts can help to heal the bladder inflammation and reduce the frequency of urination. Benefits include:
- Manufactured in the UK
- Clinically researched ingredients
- Maintains urinary health
- 100% antibiotic free
- Does not cause yeast infections
- Does not cause antibiotic resistance
- Recommended by doctors and pharmacists.
“URALIX represents a new solution that doesn’t cause yeast infections or antibiotic resistance,”
says Professor E. Schiff , Obstetrics-Gynaecology.
“URALIX is a bioactive formulation that is well placed to help women suffering from the dreaded symptoms of Cystitis or UTI.” Y.Rabaiev, Pharmacist.
For more information: Click here
Finally, a wine that makes all well!

SIP ON WINE THAT USES BOTANICALS in a new way. Floreat fuses environmental wellness and wine in a very appealing way for contemporary consumers. It takes its name from the Latin to mean ‘let flourish’ and this has been applied to all aspects of Floreat’s creation, where only organic biodynamic herbs are used, though to the care blending this extraordinarily complex new drink. This cares for the natural surrounding as well as providing the best source of natural ingredients.
Floreat also only uses medical grade herbs so that as much of the plant is incorporated into the drink as possible. This provides a wonderfully complex bright zesty drink, reminiscent of the Cornish sunshine where Floreat was created. This sophisticated sparkling botanic wine is low in calories and less than half the alcohol of traditional sparkling wines.
Serve Floreat chilled in almost any setting – it accompanies any fish or chicken dishes and is an inspired choice for guests and is best enjoyed amongst friends.
The care that its founder, a medical herbalist, has taken to create this whole new concept drink is unique. Floreat blends selected herbs for the contemporary drinker in mind, with a total ethical approach to the environment. The extraordinary balance of all aspects of a product’s creation from provenance to design has created an iconic new drink. Floreat resonates with the modern drinker who want to care for themselves, with reduced alcohol and calories while still having a delicious experience. All this while caring for the environment too.
For more information: Click here
Keep yourself protected this winter

INTRODUCING VITALITY – a new offering from Yew Tree Supplements. It is an all-natural non- synthetic product like no other on the market. It is an antioxidant powerhouse with 16 ingredients to help you feel safer this winter.
Fed up of having a cupboard full of bottles? Vitality’s blend includes kelp, herbs, fruits and plants. Providing you with a range of vitamins and minerals to ensure you get Vitamin D3, Zinc, Selenium, L-Gluthathione and Vitamin C. Yew Tree Supplements is offering 25% off their entire range during cold and flu season. Use the code SEASON to claim your discount when prompted at the checkout online.
For more information: Click here
Checklist published with The Times on 17th October 2020