It’s that time of year again; colds and illnesses scythe through the office and wreak havoc in schools. Especially after over a year of social distancing and avoiding close contact, our immune systems are more vulnerable than ever. That’s why Checklist have decided to share some helpful tips for when a cold has knocked you off your feet.
Checklist has collaborated with Kristoffer Ahlerup of Enzymatica, the manufacturer’s of ColdZyme, to suggest some ways to help you manage symptoms.
1. Watch what you’re eating

Eat plenty of fruit and vegetables, especially brighter coloured fruits for essential vitamins such as vitamin C and antioxidants. Not only are you giving your body the nutrients it needs, but you’re also providing important vitamins to your system.
2. Try some vitamins

Taking vitamin supplements like vitamin D and zinc will also help support the immune system.
Products like ColdZyme® can help protect against or can shorten the duration of a cold if used at an early stage, by acting on the virus itself. It works by forming a fast-acting protective barrier in the mouth and throat where colds and flu develop.
3. Drink plenty of water

Staying hydrated is important cold or no cold. Water helps with our functionality, which is what our bodies need to be able to fight off the common cold virus.
4. Resist your coffee and tea temptation

Avoid drinking excessive caffeine. Try to limit your intake as it can become diuretic, meaning you lose more fluid. This is very important as you’re likely losing a lot of liquids already. Any way of preventing fluid loss can only help.
5. Nap whenever you can

Getting a good amount of sleep is important to allow your body to fight infection as our bodies are working harder to remove the cold or flu. Nap as much as you can, and don’t overwork your body by forcing yourself to stay awake.
6. Rest sitting up

Try to sleep in an upright position, this will ensure your airways are not blocked or further congestion caused. Depending on the virus you have, it may also help release fluids from your nose as your body works to clear the virus.
7. Try a warm bath

A bath can be a nice way to not only relax but to soothe cold and flu symptoms. The steam can assist in the clearing of airways, and can make you feel less groggy.
8. Stay active

Keeping moving is important to help boost the energy levels needed to support your body in fighting against a virus. You’d be surprised how effective forcing yourself to get up and get moving can be to boost your mood.
9. Salty water is a good idea

Gargling salt water can help soothe and clear throat congestion and a tickly or scratchy cough. It may not taste particularly good but it’s great for clearing your airways and easing sore throats. Just remember not to swallow.
10. Keep your body temperature in check

As a flu symptom, you want to ensure you’re not too hot or too cold. This can worsen your body’s ability to fight the illness. Regulate your temperature by checking throughout the day, and adjust your clothing and blankets accordingly.
With some illnesses it’s easy to alternate between numbingly cold and sweating like you’re in a sauna, so regularly checking can help predict when a change is coming.
This article was produced in collaboration with Enzymatica, the manufacturers of Coldzyme, the cold and flu medicine.
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