Ten new year’s resolutions to support good health and wellbeing
Editorial feature

Around 23 million Brits made New Year’s resolutions in 2021, however, only one in four manage to keep them.
Despite most people failing to keep their resolutions, many are planning to make 2022 their healthiest year yet. In fact, improving fitness is the most common new year’s resolution in the UK, with losing weight and diet improvements taking second and third place.
With this appetite for an improved lifestyle in mind, the medical director of men’s health platform Manual, Dr Earim Chaudry, has revealed the top new year’s resolutions that can be achieved and maintained throughout the year, for those looking to become a little bit healthier.
1. Manage stress levels

When stressed, our bodies produce chemical which suppress the functioning of our immune systems. Whilst these chemicals are used for the treatment of conditions such as asthma and arthritis, they reduce the ability of the immune system to do its job.
Keeping a lid on stress – through meditation, mindfulness, or exercise – is an important way to get your immune system working as it should again.
2. Adopt better sleeping habits

A lack of sleep hampers your ability to fight infection. This is because, during sleep, your immune system releases proteins known as cytokines, which target hostile germs and microbes.
Simply speaking, if you don’t get enough sleep, you don’t produce enough of these vital infection-fighting chemicals. Generally, seven to nine hours of sleep a night is recommended.
3. Try Veganuary, or eat less meat

Switching to a plant-based diet can be a great option for those looking to lose weight or those wanting a healthier lifestyle. Red meats are often high in fats and cholesterol, which can cause weight gain.
A vegetarian diet can also do wonders for your skin as fruits and vegetables are high in antioxidants. Skin imperfections can also be reduced with a plant-based diet, as red meats and dairy can contribute to acne.
4. Exercise more

Exercise can improve many aspects of life, from improving mental health to keeping the heart in good condition. Recent studies have found that regular exercise can promote the growth of good bacteria in the gut, reducing inflammation and the risk of inflammatory bowel disease and type-2 diabetes.
If you can, aim for 150 minutes of moderate exercise per week, but always consult with your GP before entering into a new exercise regime.
5. Quit smoking

No matter what sort of lifestyle improvements you want to achieve health-wise, quitting smoking will always rank highest on the list of priorities for overall health and longevity. Where poor circulation is concerned, it’s the nicotine found in cigarettes and e-cigarettes that’s the main culprit.
Nicotine harms the walls of your arteries while making your blood thicker, meaning it can’t flow as effortlessly around your body. Quitting can be hard work, but in the end, it’s always worthwhile. Check-in with the NHS for a range of services to help you stop the habit, and remember, you’re never too old to stop smoking.
6. Prioritise your mental health

Workplace stress and financial worries can negatively affect your mental health. Prioritising your mental health can be a great resolution to adopt in 2022.
Reaching out to a friend or even a mental health professional can be a great place to start if you’re not feeling your best. You can also try practising more mindful exercises such as meditation which can help with your mood.
7. Cut down on the booze

Alcohol consumption can have negative impacts on many other aspects of your life, including your mental and physical health, finances and relationships with other people.
Cutting down on alcohol can lower blood sugar, increase fitness levels and also help with weight loss. Drinking less can increase your energy levels and keep you clear-headed. Not to mention the money you can save.
8. Socialise

The importance of regularly socialising with your peers cannot be understated. Especially after the pandemic, the impact of limited social interactions can have its toll.
Making more time for your friends is a brilliant goal to boost your mood and make the most of your free time in 2022. Sustaining friendships and developing new relationships is a worthy goal to pursue this year.
9. Pick up a book

The benefits of regularly reading are many. Mental stimulation and non-technological entertainment can develop your thought processes.
Educating yourself and delving into a new world are a great aspiration to attain in the future, and can only help you better yourself.
10. Spend more time with family

The importance of our relatives and the family unit has been emphasised by the separation felt during the pandemic. Limited social interactions have had their lasting impact on people’s craving for spending time together.
Relaxing and enjoying quality time with your family unit can have a positive effect on your mental health and improve your mood.
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