Give yourself a boost! Here’s 10 top ways to improve your wellbeing
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The importance of keeping an attentive eye on our wellbeing cannot be overstated, whether through good or not so good times. A holistic approach will leave no stone unturned in keeping our minds and bodies happy and healthy – we need to maintain and sometimes boost our quality of life, whether it’s our mental and emotional health; physical health, diet and nutrition; getting fresh air, exercise and good food and maintaining healthy relationships and social lives.
Here are some top tips to help you stay tip top.
1. Satipharm

When it comes to CBD, this is what matters: some products produce poor results while others deliver high performance. Taking just one Satipharm CBD capsule is equal to over 14 drops of CBD oil. One pack of Satipharm CBD capsules provides more CBD than two 500mg bottles of oil.
The reason Satipharm 10mg CBD capsules provide approximately 350% more CBD into your system than the same dose in a 5% CBD oil is because they are powered by the patented Gelpell® technology, as proven by clinical trials. The Gelpell® technology places cannabinoids inside seamless microgel spheres which provide approximately 3.5 times higher bioavailability.
A test of 30 CBD oils by The Times showed that 62% contained less than the stated amount of CBD on the label, with some containing none at all. Satipharm CBD capsules are manufactured to pharmaceutical standards ensuring their capsules are always of the highest quality and consistency.
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2. Linwoods

As consumers look to add a boost of vitamins to their daily diet, Linwoods Health Foods is providing simple and quick solutions to help provide the body with its all-important nutrients, in a delicious way.
Linwoods flaxseed is prepared with great care through their unique cold milling process which unlocks the benefits of the seed for easy digestion whilst still ensuring that all of the nutrients remain intact.
Simply adding 20g of Linwoods blends to your breakfast, yogurts or salads daily provides a variety of nutritional benefits including Omega 3 ALA (Alpha Linolenic Acid), fibre and protein.
Additionally, the Linwoods range contains immune supporting health properties. The high percentage of selenium within Linwoods Milled Flaxseed, Nuts and Q10, and the extra Vitamin D within Linwoods Milled Flaxseed with Bio-Cultures and Vitamin D helps maintain your immune system.
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3. Allicin

What are plant stanols and sterols? We all know that varied diet, exercise, fresh air and looking after your mental outlook can all contribute to keeping you healthy. Many people also like to take food supplements as part of their diet and healthy lifestyle.
Plant stanols and sterols are naturally occurring substances similar in structure to cholesterol, found in plants. Particularly nuts, seeds and plant oils. Eating these foods regularly will ensure you are getting stanols and sterols in your diet.
The most prevalent phytosterols in the diet are beta-sitosterol, campesterol and stigmasterol. During digestion, stanols and sterols can play a role in the absorption of dietary and biliary cholesterol.
Lesterol is a unique combination of plant stanols and sterols plus stabilised allicin. Lesterol capsules can be used as part of a healthy diet and lifestyle. Plant stanols and sterols contribute to the maintenance of normal blood cholesterol levels.
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4. Dawood & Tanner

Love food but find your dentures reduce your enjoyment because you may not be able to chew or taste properly? Do you find you can’t eat as many of the foods you like, particularly salads and crunchy foods? Do you ever find yourself inhibited to speak or laugh out loud socially for fear that your dentures will loosen?
Why not consider dental implants, the most effective method of replacing missing or failing teeth. They act as replacements for your natural tooth roots and integrate with your jaw to provide a supportive base for tooth restorations that will look and function exactly like your own natural teeth.
The Dawood & Tanner are one of UK’s leading provider of dental implant treatments. They can find solutions for even the most difficult situations, particularly those patients who have been told elsewhere they are not suitable candidates for dental implants due to lack of bone.
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5. Boston Scientific

Chronic pain affects as many as one in five adults across Europe. On average, people endure it for up to seven years; a fifth will live with it for 20 years or more.
Where medication, exercise and surgery and hasn’t been sufficiently effective, Spinal Cord Stimulation (SCS) may be a better long-term relief method than additional surgery or extended opioid use.
With SCS a small, implanted pulse generator (IPG) and thin wires are placed into your body. To manage pain, the wires deliver tiny pulses to the nerves that mask pain signals travelling to your brain. Boston Scientific SCS systems are designed to tailor stimulation to target your specific pain areas.
A rechargeable IPG can last up to 12 years and a non-rechargeable one up to 5.2 years. The vast majority of patients can help achieve better control of your discomfort and ultimately lead a better quality of life.
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6. Numan

Did you know that around 322 million men worldwide are expected to have experienced erectile dysfunction (ED) by 2025?
That’s a lot of men by anyone’s standards. It’s the equivalent to the entire population of the UK, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, and a good part of Peru all struggling to get or maintain an erection.
Numan, who provide digital healthcare for men, conducted a survey that showed 66% of men in the UK have experienced ED at some point.
The more complex the car, the more parts can go wrong. An erection, like a 1970s Aston Martin Lagonda, is a very complex thing indeed.
There are many possible underlying causes of ED, which can be physical, psychological, or both. Numan helps you get to the bottom of it, treat it, and monitor it, with ongoing access to a team of UK clinicians.
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7. The Fertility Partnership

Did you know that one in six couples have trouble conceiving? And one million people in the UK experience secondary infertility, where they have problems having another baby even if the first was easy?
If you’ve been having regular unprotected sex and you’re not pregnant after six months, you should have a fertility assessment.
The Fertility Partnership clinics are staffed by internationally-renowned clinicians and they have some of the highest success rates in Europe. They have eight full IVF clinics and 19 satellites across the country, do more IVF cycles than anyone else in the UK, and 98% of people say they provide exceptional nursing care.
The Fertility Partnership offers comprehensive fertility assessments in all its clinics for both private and NHS patients and provides as much care as you need, from helping with your ovulation cycles to full IVF and beyond.
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8. King Edward VII’s Hospital

Get your life back on track by self-paying for treatment at King Edward VII’s Hospital, reckoned to be London’s leading private hospital. Their fixed-price packages for treatments ranging from hip replacement to cataract surgery provide rapid access to internationally-renowned consultants and cutting-edge diagnostic and surgical techniques at a hospital famous for its private and peaceful environment.
Set within the famous Harley Street medical district, King Edward VII’s Hospital prides itself on a quality-driven, patient-centred approach to medical care. It invests in the latest equipment and facilities to keep it at the forefront of medical care in the UK, and offers a personalised service that has become its trademark.
If you are facing a wait for treatment, or you simply wish to get treatment on your terms, speak to a member of its dedicated patient services team about your fixed-price treatment options.
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9. AlchemLife

There are many ways we can support our bodies and keep them fit and healthy, from being active to eating a varied and balanced diet. Sometimes, however, no matter how well we take care of ourselves, we can still be prone to seasonal bouts of illness.
PhytoRelief-CC can help give you that extra boost when you need it, supporting your immune system and creating a natural defensive barrier against the likes of common colds.
Based on ancient Ayurvedic medicine, one of the world’s oldest holistic systems, these lozenges provide your body with vital micronutrients to aid your natural defences. This herbal food supplement contains curcuma, pomegranate and ginger, ingredients which actively promote stronger immune function.
When the first symptoms of a cough or cold appear, consider taking three PhytoRelief-CC lozenges a day to give your body the help it needs.
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10. Chuckling Goat

Chuckling Goat Live Kefir has been named the Best New Dairy Drink in the world, by the International Beverage Awards 2018.
The tiny family business, born on a farmhouse kitchen table, has become a multi-million-pound global enterprise, with hundreds of thousands of customers in 38 countries, and three best-selling books exploring the science behind kefir.
Kefir has been around for millennia, but today it’s poised to become a major player in a new frontier in neuroscience, because of its actions as a ‘psychobiotic’. This is a new term for a combination of live organisms that, when ingested in adequate amounts, may help to support mental health benefits in individuals.
The American College of Gastroenterology performed a comprehensive literature review on the topic. They found that psychobiotics, including kefir, were both safe and effective in improving symptoms and normalising bowel movement frequency, in patients suffering from constipation or diarrhoea related to IBS.
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