Sarah Lynn on juggling work, family and staying healthy

The Apprentice winner Sarah Lynn, 36, is the owner of Sweets in the City, jointly owned with Lord Sugar. We chat to Sarah about her life as a mumpreneur, juggling a new baby and five-year-old, as well as staying healthy as a family…
By Lauren Naylor
Owning a sweets empire must mean you have a sweet tooth yourself…
‘I definitely have a sweet tooth and as well as sweets I love dark chocolate. I love sweet foods but I try to stay healthy, eating well, walking and mothering my two young sons. I never sit down which helps me avoid the gym!’
Do you limit the amount of sweets you give your five-year-old son Teddy per day?
‘I don’t limit him as such, I just try and teach him about moderation and balanced eating, in a subtle, five-year-old sort of way! We talk about brushing teeth after sugar and things like that, too. I’m lucky in that he’s a very good boy and usually listens.’
Have you ever been really poorly as a family?
‘We are lucky in that we don’t really all get unwell too much. Having said that Teddy did get chicken pox just before I gave birth last May. It was a nightmare as I feared he wouldn’t be able to come to the hospital to meet his little brother when I gave birth. Thankfully however it was all finished and over before that happened!’
Has Teddy settled well since Ace arrived into your lives?
‘Yes he has been a dream so far. I think the age gap helps, as he loves getting the nappies for me and singing to him!’
How are you finding juggling a business, a young son and a baby?
‘It’s definitely been a tough three months because the business is one of my babies, too – and despite running it a few years it’s only just coming out of its newborn stage! I have a fantastic husband and family support, so everybody has helped me with the juggle. I have now stopped breastfeeding and my little man is now eight months, so it’s getting easier.’
What’s advice would you offer new mums?
‘I would say always trust your gut when making decisions about or for your baby. Google things and take as much advice as you feel you need, but ultimately you are their mum and you know what’s best for your baby.’

As a family how do you meal plan?
‘Meal planning at the moment is usually done on the way home from work by stopping at the local shops for five minutes and grabbing something! It’s not the most efficient way of operating, but I’m now going back to online shopping or hitting the supermarket for a bigger shop at the weekend.’
Is Teddy a fruit and veg fan?
‘He’s a huge fruit fan, and an acceptable veg eater! He will eat most fruits but is less adventurous when it comes to vegetables, so our ‘go tos’ are currently carrots, broccoli and tomatoes. Sweetcorn and peas are absolute no-nos right now!’
Order from a huge range of sweets online by visiting Sarah’s company
Read Sarah’s full interview in the New Year’s Resolutions issue of Celebrity Secrets, out in OK! mag bumper packs from 7th January 2020.