Love Island’s Alex Miller talks ‘Muggy Megan’, villa gossip and who he wants to win

Dumped Love Island contestant Alex Miller feels a little aggrieved that his time in the villa ended so soon. But how does he feel about Megan after watching the episodes back, and who does he think will be crowned winners?
Your Love Island experience was cut very short. Was it the right time for you to leave or did you have more to give?
‘It wasn’t the right time to leave, but it was taken right out of my hands. I don’t regret any decision I made in there, but I know I had more to give. If I could go in again I would couple up with Laura. We’re more similar in age and we got on really well. I would have liked to have spoken to Jack’s ex Ellie more as well. We went on Aftersun together and we swapped numbers, so we’ll see where that goes!’
We know from chatting to Charlie that there are no clocks in the villa, so how do you know when to get into bed each night?
‘It’s usually that we all have a couple of drinks and then people start to unwind a little. They announce over a tannoy that lights will go off in fifteen minutes and so you have to get ready for bed. It does feel a little bit like you’re in prison!’
Did you apply to be on the show or did you get scouted?
‘I was approached to go in. I think most of us were through Instagram. I was buying a flat at the time so I ignored it for a while, but then I came back to it and realised what a great opportunity it was and that I couldn’t miss it.’
Are you given any instructions or told what to do before you go in?
‘There’s no one putting words in your mouth. They don’t tell you to be a certain way, if you haven’t got the chat you’ll be straight out, simple as that! But we are briefed before going in and we’re told not to reveal anything about the outside world, which includes the news and Instagram.’
Since leaving the villa have you had time to reflect on the Megan situation?
‘I’ve watched those episodes back to try and understand what happened. I realised she was a lot more deceitful than I thought, all I asked was for her to be honest. But it’s her loss!’
Were you glad to be out of the villa in time to see England in the semi-finals of the World Cup?
‘Yes definitely. They keep everything really quiet in there so you genuinely don’t know anything. I came out in the right time to watch England for sure.’
How much alcohol are you allowed to drink in the villa?
‘For the girls, it’s two glasses of wine and for the guys a couple of cans of beer. On party nights, you share a bottle of prosecco but between 12 of us you don’t get much at all! It’s because they don’t want it to turn into Geordie Shore!’
Who do you want to win?
‘I’d love Charlie and Ellie to win. For me, they’re the nicest couple and both so lovely on their own. Jack and Dani will win it though, they are so genuine. They’re all over each other 24 hours a day so I knew it was real as soon as I got in there.’
If you could take part in the snog, marry, pie?
‘I’d snog Megan because she’s such a phenomenal kisser and I’d definitely avoid Georgia. I think the age gap was just too much and her immaturity really got to me. And I’d marry Dani because she’s just a princess.’