Laura Hamilton on why she can never have a baby naturally

The TV presenter and mum of two on why she can never have a baby naturally
Interview by Claire Muffett-Reece
Have you been in a position where you truly worried about your kids’ health?
‘We’ve had some scary situations with Tahlia. Most recently she developed a cyst on her eyeball, which the hospital said would need cutting out. A few years ago we had an awful situation where she developed five lumps around her spine. We had to have all sorts of tests in hospital and she even went under general anaesthetic for an MRI. They suspected lots of nasty diseases, but thankfully we discovered it was a weird viral thing nobody had really seen before.’
What health products do you always have to hand?
‘I think we’re the same as every other family, as we always have a good supply of Calpol, ibuprofen, plasters, antihistamine and sun cream available.’
Do you take any supplements or have any other routines that have a beneficial impact on your health?
‘My kids occasionally have a multi-vitamin, but I tend to make sure they have a balanced healthy diet to get all the nutrients they need. My husband Alex and I are also clean freaks, and I have a routine where I clean the house before I go away – and as soon as I get back!’
What do your kids do exercise-wise to stay healthy?
‘Rocco and Tahlia have literally lived in the water with all the travel they’ve done and are both amazing little swimmers. Rocco’s now part of a squad and is learning butterfly, which is pretty impressive for a five-year-old. Even I can’t do that!’
How do you deal with them when they’re angry, frustrated or playing up?
‘It’s a challenge, especially with Rocco who’s very stubborn. Tahlia is much easier at the moment. I’ve found that taking away privileges is a better way of disciplining then more than anything else. Putting them in ‘time out’ is quite effective, too.’
What about your kids’ mental health? Do they suffer from stress or worry?
‘We haven’t noticed anything like that yet, but I’m not sure how Rocco will feel moving up in to Year One, as he will start to get more homework and the pressure will be on him to learn. They both love going to school and have some really nice friends that all live close by, so we try and arrange lots of meet ups outside of school to encourage good friendships.’
What are your thoughts on too much TV and the kids using electronics?
‘We definitely limit their TV time, but it’s not too difficult because we do lots of after school activities. I only ever let the children watch their iPads on a flight and it’s become part of our travelling routine. They both have a Netflix sign-in, but there are parental controls and restrictions on both of them. I think it’s so important to be outside and active when the weather is nice. If either children are unwell then we might have some snuggle time together watching TV, though.’
Let’s move on to your own health. You said after having Tahlia you’d can no longer give birth to a baby naturally. Why is that?
‘When I was pregnant with Rocco I opted for a water birth and completed a hypnobirthing course. After five hours of being in the pool the midwife told me they’d missed the fact he was breach and I’d need an emergency c-section. I was in utter shock! When I fell pregnant the second time around I’d lost a lot of faith, so said I wanted an elected c-section. A week before my due date I started experiencing a pain like no other – it was as if someone was stabbing me in the stomach. We headed to the hospital and when we got to the maternity ward they told me I was in labour, before trying to convince me to have Tahlia naturally. However, I knew something wasn’t right.’
What happened next?
‘Within five minutes a team of medics rushed in and hurried me off to theatre as my uterus was rupturing. While I was lying on the operating table the surgeon said how lucky Tahlia and I were, as it could have been a very different ending. He asked me there and then if I was planning to have more and when I said I didn’t know, he said it would be high risk. He also explained I couldn’t deliver naturally and that a c-section would have to be performed a few weeks before my due date.’
Does that mean you’re not planning to have any more?
‘I think the above answers that! I do sometimes say to Alex I feel a bit broody, but we are so lucky to have Rocco and Tahlia, so I think we will leave it at that.’
Laura presents Channel 4’s A Place in The Sun, alongside running her local coffee shop and deli, Lord Roberts on the Green
Read Laura’s full interview in the Parenting issue of Celebrity Secrets, available in OK! magazine bumper packs, on sale now for one week only!