Join celebs this Veganuary with our top plant-based picks

More than 350,000 people have signed up for Veganuary 2020, smashing last year’s record of 250,000; and the number is still rising.
Deborah Meaden is one of several celebrity participants, alongside Brian May, Meat Loaf, Kellie Bright, Susie Dent, Jane Fallon, Rebecca Callard, Janey Lee Grace, Katie Thistleton and Louisa Connolly Burnham.
With this in mind, Celebrity Secrets has compiled a selection of our favourite vegan products for all tastes and occasions, so you can be cruelty-free in January like some of your favourite stars.
For those who are going plant-based but still fancy a sweet treat, have a look at our top choices of vegan chocolates, biscuits and desserts.
Also in our round up of vegan products are meat swaps, hot, cold and alcoholic drinks, plus healthy snacks for the office.
Beauty products and cruelty-free fashion brands are also included in our Veganuary round-ups – make sure you check them all out!

Explaining her decision to take part in Veganuary, Deborah Meaden said: “It is hard to believe we can in any way reduce our impact on our planet without changing our eating habits.
“I gave up eating fish a while ago and have been reducing my meat and dairy consumption steadily and Veganuary has given me the motivation to go the whole…erm… “Not Hog’.
“Planning for and considering Veganuary has made me more aware of my diet… to think carefully and reflect on the impact I am having on the planet and of course, animals. When I reach the end of January it will give me a moment to consider how I take this forward and I am convinced it will have lasting impact.”

Brian May, music legend and well-known wildlife campaigner, announced that he is going vegan in January with Veganuary, a charity that has helped more than half a million people worldwide try vegan in January and beyond.
In an Instagram post, the rock star said: “This is my announcement of intent. Starting on the first of January this coming year I will be doing VEGANUARY. Which means I will eat only vegan food for that month.
“After that, I will take a view on whether to continue or not. I’ve already got the support of some friends who are going to join me and compare notes as we go along…. If any of you folks out there are hovering on the edge out there and want to join me too, I’d be delighted. We can mutually support each other!…. My reasons?
“1) to lessen the suffering of animals. 2) To lessen the load on our groaning planet. 3) for my health. And … as an animal campaigner, it has been bothering me for a while that I still eat animal-derived food, that has caused indignity and pain to a non-human animal.
“So I will try to move along the line. I won’t be pressuring anyone else to do the same, and it won’t change my commitment to helping farmers solve the problem of bovine TB. But … for me … it’s time. How about a hashtag #Veganuary2020 and #VeganuaryBri Cheers folks – Bri”
Brian’s statement comes at the same time as Paul McCartney, global music icon and founder of Meat Free Monday, joins Joaquin Phoenix, Chris Packham, Evanna Lynch and other climate-conscious celebrities urging people to sign up to Veganuary and try vegan this January.

Just a week in, Veganuary 2020 is by far the biggest and most widespread yet.
More than 350,000 people from almost every country in the world have taken the online pledge – with Swaziland, North Korea and Vatican City the only countries without Veganuary participants. The number of sign-ups is still rising steadily.
Toni Vernelli, Veganuary’s Head of Communications, added: “A record number of people have pledged to try vegan this month with Veganuary and they come from almost every country in the world, demonstrating that concern for animals and our planet are fundamental human feelings regardless of culture or continent.”