MAXXRAXX – taking you and yours to the great outdoors!

Now you might be at home thinking: ‘When do we get the chance to see more than our local area on our bikes? The cycle routes near home just aren’t cutting it anymore!’
MAXXRAXX has the answer – premium bike storage. Offering UK designed, built and branded cycle solutions for secure home storage, and on the road, you will be sure to benefit from efficient, safe, secure transportation.

Since 1994 MAXXRAXX has provided the best in class towbar mounted hang on cycle carriers for the adventure minded person, couples and families getting out there with or without a home in tow.
Functional and adaptable, these bike carriers will match your needs and towbar type throughout the life of your biking adventures. That’s why MAXXRAXX has coined the phrase: “cycle carriers for life!” – because they really are.
Call 01825 729460 for more information.