Win a selection of wheat bags, hot water bottles and foot warmers, Worth £100!

Competition Closed

Closing Date: Tuesday 22nd of November 2022

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Keep yourself and your family warm and cosy this winter with Amazing Health’s selection of Things2KeepUWarm.

The Hottie couldn’t be simpler to use, it microwaves in minutes and stays warm for hours. It offers a safe and reliable alternative to the comfort and warmth of a traditional hot water bottle, without the need for boiling water and tricky stoppers. For those who feel the cold in their feet, their feet-warming slippers will give lasting heat. For chilly hands, simply insert a hot water bottle into the beautifully soft hand muff.

Amazing Health also have a large range of lavender wheat bags, gently scented with British lavender, available in fleece, cotton or corduroy. Wheat packs provide a comforting heat pack and the added lavender flowers will help soothe and relax you.

Amazing Health and Things2KeepUWarm products are available at as well as on Amazon and Ebay.

This competition has now closed, no more entries.

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