Cara De La Hoyde and Nathan Massey: Exclusive online interview

The extra gossip from our printed interview with the Love Island winners. Find out more about their life as a threesome since having little Freddie and what it’s like to bring a child up in the spotlight. We’re good to you, aren’t we…
Looking back on Love Island, what emotions does it stir?
C ‘Definitely nostalgia! It makes me feel happy to watch but I can’t believe it’s been two years already!’
N ‘That’s because time flies when you’re having fun… and making a baby!’
What was it that really made you fall for each other?
C ‘I don’t really go for muscles, as I’m attracted to blokes that look more ‘normal’, if that makes sense. I heard Nathan talking and thought he sounded a bit like me, which was good, and he also seemed up for a laugh.’
N ‘Don’t think I didn’t clock you giving me the eye… In all honesty people actually kept asking if we already knew each other from the outside world as we got on so well. We just literally clicked.’
What changed for you both when you came off Love Island as winners?
C ‘I think the hardest part was that we entered the TV show without anyone knowing who we were, then when we left everything went crazy, and we just weren’t prepared for that. I actually feel like there should have been more support for us looking back.’
N ‘It wasn’t a natural environment, and then to spend so much time together in such an intense situation just added to all the stress.’
Did you do the right thing splitting up?
C ‘Definitely. We decided to instead separate and stay friends. I just think there’s so many people that are in the spotlight and stay together just for that reason, and it’s really unhealthy for everyone involved. I’d have hated for Fred to grow up and start Googling us, only to read stories about us fighting.’
So getting back together was a gradual thing?
N ‘Totally. We were getting on really well spending time together on a casual basis and it progressed from there. While Cara was pregnant I was always there, and always on the other side of the phone if she needed any help.’
What was it like when you found out you were having a boy?
C ‘I knew all along I was carrying a boy! I just had this weird feeling and was so happy when the scan showed I was right.’
N ‘It was an amazing feeling, I just can’t put it on to words.’
Cara did you ever have any moments where you were worried how you’d cope raising a baby alone?
C ‘Sure. I knew Nathan would be involved, but because we wouldn’t be living together I knew I’d do the lion’s share. Luckily my family are really great and I’ve got really good friends who I knew would help, so I was mentally prepared as much as I could be when it came to raising Fred.’
Was your pregnancy all plain sailing?
C ‘Pretty much, apart from being 13 days over my due date! I was tweeting asking every mum I knew what I could do to bring on labour, but nothing worked. I think the last month of pregnancy is the worst, because you’re so big and it’s so painful and you can’t do anything. Before I got induced I was in so much pain I couldn’t even walk, because Fred’s head had dropped to an extent that his head was on my pelvis.’
We can’t believe you were home with Freddie-George the very same day you gave birth…
C ‘He had all his tests and he was fine, plus he’d fed and been to the toilet, so they were happy to discharge us. I was so happy to get home. The hospital and midwife were amazing, but I just wanted my own bed!’
You also mentioned to us Freddie-George is a dream baby…
C ‘He is! I’m not taking it for granted because he hasn’t really started teething yet, plus we haven’t reached the terrible twos. I’m going to enjoy it while it lasts!’
N ‘I think he’s always going to be a good baby – I’ve got this feeling.’
Cara, you stopped breastfeeding at four weeks. How do you feel about it now?
C ‘I know breast is best, but it’s drummed into women so much that it crushes them when they find they can’t do it. I wanted to breastfeed but I couldn’t, and I get really annoyed that people might assume I couldn’t be bothered. If you can breastfeed than that’s amazing, but physically I couldn’t – and it made me feel rubbish as a result.’
Are there any plans to send Freddie-George to nursery?
C ‘In the future, but at the moment my mum helps and I’m so lucky that with my work I can spend all my time with him.’
N ‘While he’s a baby we just want to enjoy him and see him do all these new things. He’s now holding his own bottle which is great to watch.’
Do you have any first birthday plans?
N ‘We don’t really know what to do because his birthday’s so close to Christmas, but we’re going to Florida in November so we might do something while we’re there.’
C ‘I think it’s nice when people do big first birthdays, but we probably won’t as he’ll never remember it! I’d rather wait until he’s three or four when he can actually interact and enjoy it, so I think we’ll do something small instead with family.’
Tommy Mallet is Freddie-George’s godfather. Why choose him for the role?
N ‘Tommy and I are best friends – we used to work with each other as carpenters! He’s such a good role model – he never stops working, and I can see his trainers ending up as a worldwide brand. I’d love Fred to have that drive in him.’
C ‘I wouldn’t mind Fred being like Tommy – [laughing] may be a bit quieter, though!’